Post 3: My Best Friend

My best friend is Rodolfo, I met him like 5 years ago, when I hang out whit my friend Carlos, in 2014, we got a lot on common so we are friend since that day, I considerate Rodolfo my best friend because he usually stay whit me when I need someone to talk, when I ask him if we could hang out, he always says yes, so we usually go out for long walks, sometimes we buy some energy drinks and then sit in some park and he see me play Pokemon Go and scream like a girl when I found some interesting pokemon, when I try to remember some of my best memory’s whit Rodolfo, I can’t stop thinking about one day when he was broke (in money), and because no reason, without knowing that he was broke, I decided to buy some cookies and go to his house, in that time he lived near to my home, like 3 houses between mine, so I usually walk in front of his home and see him doing things in his garden, so that day I decided to go whit some cookies, and when he see me, he immediately hug me, because they only have some bread to eat that night, and we seat in his living room whit his girlfriend and his son and eat them, he tanks me a lot, he was so grateful for the cookies, I noticed because of his smile, and we tanking about everything that night, it’s a simple moment, but a great moment.
Resultado de imagen para goku y vegeta puño


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