Post 6: Postgraduate Studies
Hello! Mmm ok, I spoke about this in the past post, but now I can explain other ideas about this! I study physical therapist, and my favorite area of my future job is the respiratory care. I would like to study any postgraduate courses, in Chile and abroad! In my future job, is very important the postgraduate courses! In special to my specialization area, because in physical therapy, exist a very government programs and we must strictly follow, for example, the ERA and IRA program, these programs are about the respiratory care in adults and children respectively. The ministry of health (MINSAL) created these programs, for which reason, I must study these postgraduate courses in Chile. Other course is the “mechanic fan”. This course is very important if I will study in my future specialization, because in Chile, exist other important programs, for example, two programs called “invasive ventilatory assistance” (AVI) and “No invasive ventilatory assistance” (AVNI). In these pro...